Season Three Begins March 12!

SNES Episodes

Oct. 23, 2024

S2E14: Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol -or- Revenge of the B Movie

We scare up Nick and Josh from Smashing Game Time to blast through Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES, 1993) and Ghoul Patrol (SNES, 1994) as we take a detour from Mike and Jaymo’s epic quest to research and review every retro ga...
Guest: Nick Coffman
Sept. 11, 2024

S2E11: Kirby Super Star and Kirby's Dream Land 3 -or- Kirb'etizers

Derick McDuff of the Underrated movie podcast returns and brings Kurosh Jozavi of the The KJP Show to talk Kirby Super Star (SNES, 1996) and Kirby’s Dream Land 3 (SNES, 1997) with Mike and Jaymo, continuing their epic quest t...
Aug. 28, 2024

S2E10: The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past -or- Top Down Downright Done Right

Zelda streamers RiRiYells and SSJ3Butch return to clash swords with Mike and Jaymo discussing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES, 1991) and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Four Swords (GBA, 2002), conti...
Guests: RiRi , SSJ3Butch
Aug. 14, 2024

S2E09: Punch-Out!! -or- Let's Get Ready to Rage Quit!

Long-time friend Bryan steps into the ring with Mike and Jaymo in the ring for Punch-Out!! (NES, 1987) and Super Punch-Out! (SNES, 1994), continuing their epic quest to research and review every retro game in the Nintendo Swi...
Guest: Bryan
July 31, 2024

S2E08: Breath of Fire I and II -or- The Wyrm Turns

Ryan (aka Warboss5 ) rejoins Mike and Jaymo as they dive deep into the classic RPGs Breath of Fire (SNES, 1993) and Breath of Fire II (SNES, 1994), continuing their epic quest to research and review every retro game in the Ni...
July 17, 2024

S2E07: Super Mario Bros and the Lost Levels -or- Hooked on the Brothers

Mike and Jaymo are joined by Margo (aka TikTok’s Mrs.Librarian ) as they go down the tubes playing Super Mario Bros (NES, 1985) and The Lost Levels (NES, 1986) as part of their epic quest to research and review every retro ga...
Guest: Margo Butera
July 3, 2024

S2E06: Doomsday Warrior and Fighter's History -or- The Next Bison Wannabes

Kristal returns to join Mike and Jaymo for two more “street” fighting games: Fighter's History (SNES, 1994) and Doomsday Warrior (SNES, 1993), as part of their epic quest to research and review every retro game in the Nintend...
Guest: Kristal
June 19, 2024

S2E05: Animal Platformers -or- You and Me, Baby, Ain't Nothing But Mascots

Twitch streamer SSJ3Butch joins Mike and Jaymo for three animal platformers, Mappy-Land (NES, 1986), Flicky (Sega Genesis, 1991), and Spanky’s Quest (SNES, 1991), as part of their epic quest to research and review every retro...
Guest: SSJ3Butch
June 5, 2024

S2E04: Star Fox Trilogy -or- Gen. Pepper's Only Arwing Band

Jordan Carothers swoops in from the ⁠Arcadiology⁠ podcast to join Mike and Jaymo as they barrel roll through the Star Fox trilogy (Star Fox on the SNES, Star Fox 64 or Lylat Wars on the Nintendo 64, and Star Fox 2 on the Supe...
Feb. 9, 2024

S1E15: Rainbow Road Warriors

Mike, Jaymo, and cross stitch influencer KatCanSew powerslide through "Super Mario Kart", "Mario Kart 64", and "Mario Kart: Super Circuit" in their epic quest to research & review every retro game in the Nintendo Switch Onlin...
Guest: Kat
Jan. 26, 2024

Episode 14: Yeah, Bud! Abba Dudes! - Part 2

Mike, Jaymo, and YouTuber WarBoss5 (aka our wry friend Ryan) club their way through "Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics" and "Prehistorik Man" in their epic quest to research & review every retro game in the Nintendo Switch Onl...
Jan. 12, 2024

Episode 13: Yeah, Bud! Abba Dudes! - Part 1

Mike, Jaymo, and YouTuber WarBoss5 (aka our old friend Ryan) meander-thal their way through "Joe & Mac" and its pseudo-sequel "Congo's Caper" on their epic quest to research & review every retro game in the Nintendo Switch On...
Dec. 29, 2023

Episode 12: Take Me Out to the Ball Games

Mike & Jaymo hit a grand slam as they swing & steal their way through "Baseball" (NES) and "Super Baseball Simulator 1.000" (SNES) in their epic quest to research & review every retro game in the Nintendo Switch Online catalo...
Aug. 15, 2023

S1E01: Tennis Games -or- What's All That Racket?

Mike and Jaymo serve up hot takes on Tennis (NES, 1984), Super Tennis (SNES, 1991), Smash Tennis (SNES), and Mario Tennis (N64, 2000) in their epic quest to research and review every retro game in the Nintendo Switch Online c...
Aug. 15, 2023

S1E00: Platformers? More Like Transformers!

It's morphin' time as Mike & Jaymo deep dive into shape-shifting platformers Kid Chameleon (Sega Genesis, 1992), Claymates (SNES, 1994), & Jelly Boy (SNES, 1995) on their epic quest to research & review every retro game in th...