Season Three Begins March 12!
Jan. 26, 2024

Episode 14: Yeah, Bud! Abba Dudes! - Part 2

Mike, Jaymo, and YouTuber WarBoss5 (aka our wry friend Ryan) club their way through "Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics" and "Prehistorik Man" in their epic quest to research & review every retro game in the Nintendo Switch Online catalog! In Part Two of this mammoth two-part episode, we dig deep into prehistory as the boys discuss the wrong way to woo a cavewoman, an Xbox game so blasphemous it triggered international controversy (for real this time), and a previously undiscovered connection to the Rayman universe! Thanks for listening, and be sure to check out our guest host's impressive catalog of VODs at Subscribe to @theoldswitcharoo to get more retro goodness delivered straight to your feed! You can also join the fun on, where you'll find access to our Discord, voicemail, and so much more! Game on, everyone.



(0:00) Intro


(0:53) Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics


(25:25) Prehistorik Man


(1:10:34) NintenDO or NintenDON'T


Ryan "warboss5"


Born into comfortable middle-class suburbia, I got into gaming early in life with Sonic and the Sega Genesis. Things were great, as all new romances are, but eventually I tired of her. And so I moved from the chunky cartridges of my youth to the sleek curve of the Playstation's CD-ROM disks. From there it was on to her sister the Playstation 2, then to their cousin the Xbox. They were fun times to be sure, but all the while it felt like something was MISSING. That's when I realized that what had been searching for had been staring me in the face since the beginning, the best friend that had been by my side all along: my PC. And so I forsook (mostly) the realm of the console and began the one great love of my life. And I haven't looked back since.